To correct this problem:
1. Download, and install the Kyocera driver by running as root. This will copy the printer's PPD file to /usr/share/cups/model/Kyocera/ and the rastertokpsl program to /usr/lib/cups/filter/.
2. Create a wrapper for rastertokpsl by:
sudo nano /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertokpsl-fixedand then insert the following text:
#!/bin/bash jobname=$(echo $3 | egrep -o '[[:alnum:]]' | tr -d '\n' | tail -c 20) path=/usr/lib/cups/filter $path/rastertokpsl "$1" "$2" "$jobname" "$4" "$5"3. Make sure that the wrapper has execution permission:
sudo chmod a+x /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertokpsl-fixed4. Edit the PPD file specific to your printer model as found in /usr/share/cups/model/Kyocera/. For instance, mine is an FS-1025MFP and the file name is Kyocera_FS-1025MFPGDI.ppd. The only modification that should be made is the cupsFilter line (line 55 in my case):
*cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-raster 0 /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertokpsl"and replace the line with:
*cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-raster 0 /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertokpsl-fixed"The above steps should fix the problem. Alternatively, you may edit the PPD file shipped with the installation package and create the rastertokpsl-fixed wrapper for the installation files, and add the wrapper into so that you can be able to install the corrected driver with a single command.
I think the problem also affects FS-1040, FS-1060DN, FS-1020MFP, FS-1120MFP and FS-1125MFP, since they are using the same rastertokpsl program.